Literature Pick of the Week:

The Code - Robert Frost
Gathering up windrows, piling cocks of hay,
With an eye always lifted toward the west
Where an irregular sun-bordered cloud
Darkly advanced with a perpetual dagger...


04.07.07 - A printer friendly layout has been attached to every literature page; there is also a "Print this Page" button in the top right hand corner of the same.

Never mind the musty smell; it's merely the scent of dusty books, waiting to be opened and read.

Presented to you here - in our humble library - are the classics. From the Grimm fairy tales, to the poems of Robert Frost, there's enough on our shelves to keep you occupied for a long time.

You've been reading since you were a child, so this should be easy. Just pick an author, or a genre, and get started.